Weekly Announcements – 24 Jan 2020


177 RCACS Winnipeg


Week of Jan 24th, 2020
Per the Cadet Guidelines:  The dress and appearance of cadets in uniform shall, on all occassions, be such as to reflect credit on the Cadet Squadron. 

This means that:
  • When in uniform the expectation is that Cadets are presentable, uniforms are clean and fit approriately
  • When not in uniform (due to a Squadron activity or lack of uniform), Cadets will adhere to the following guidelines:
    • Dress shirt or blouse
    • Pants/slacks
    • Black shoes
    • Plain unmarked sweater
    • NO yoga pants, sweats, track pants, leggings/jeggings
    • NO jeans
    • NO graphic t-shirts
    • NO graphic hoodies/sweaters
The exceptions are for the following:  When civilian clothing is authorized by the Commanding Officer.

Other requirements (at all times):
  • Hair longer than your shoulder is to be up in a bun
  • NO nail polish worn in uniform
  • Males must remove any earrings
  • Females - earrings must be a single ball-stud type or removed (no multiple earrings).
  • No facial piercings allowed, they must be removed and not covered by a band-aid.
Cadets that do not follow these requirements will receive a disciplinary cautionary notice and have it noted in their Cadet file. 

ALL Cadets must have their lanyard in order to sign in for attendance.  An attendance table will be set up at the front door.  Cadets are to sign in for attendance PRIOR to going downstairs to hang up their coats.  Every Cadets lanyard will have a bar code with their Cadets number (specific to them) that will be scanned upon entry.  
If you have lost your lanyard, there is a $2 charge for a replacement to be issued. 
If you have not yet received your lanyard, you will receive one when you check in for attendance. 

Congratulations to the following Cadets that were promoted on 24-Jan-2020:

Cadet to Leading Air Cadet (LAC)
Cdt Bumanglag, K

Corporal (Cpl) to Flight Corporal (FCpl):
Cpl Dhaliwal, H                    Cpl Mondejar, D                         
Cpl Gheneti, M                     Cpl Paglinawan, M
Cpl Gill, Gursimran               Cpl Paglinawan, P
Cpl Grewel, P                       Cpl Perey, B
Cpl Maderal, J                      Cpl Perey, Deneese
Capl Mangat, H                     Cpl Phillips, I
Cpl McAllister, A                    Cpl Sun, E
Cpl Thompson, S

** Cadets are required to return their previous rank badges and slip-ons to Supply. **

Will be taking place at Minto from 0900 - 1600 hrs. 
Information regarding the day is posted on the website (click here
If you are unable to attend you must inform the office (please use the Absence Request Form on the website).

Please ensure that you are ready for your Teaching a 15-Minute Class Assessment.  The Lesson Plan template can be found on the website under Master Training Plan (click here).
You must complete this assessment in order to pass your level.
Next week:  Level 5s that are not teaching, Captain Ocran has requested your assistance in the Supply Room.  
If your name is posted on the whiteboard outside the Supply Office, there will be something for you to pick up.  

There will be one additional Range night next Thursday Jan 30 for those who attended last week.  
1800 - 2100 hrs at Minto in Range 2.

   - Sat, Jan 25th
   - Sat, Feb 1st
   - Sat, Feb 8th
1000 - 1200 hrs at Minto.

MUSIC CLINIC (Pipe Band Members and students only)
Will be taking place on 22-Feb at Minto.
Please see Lt R Chennells as soon as possible. 

NO practice - Jan 26th
Every Sunday in Feb and Mar:  1300 - 1600 hrs at Minto. This is now 3 hours long.
Open to all Cadets interested in being on the Drill Team.  

will resume Feb 1st
1200 - 1400 hrs at Minto.
Those Cadets that were in the program last year are to bring your prepared speech from last year for review.   

Reminder that if you are not coming to Cadets please complete the Absence Request Form on the website in order to be marked excused.  To be considered excused, it must be received by the Thursday evening prior.   
Link to Absence Form:  https://177rcacs.ca/cadet-absence-form/
Office Hours: 1800 – 2045 hrs on Fridays only

A reminder that the following deadlines are approaching for the following:
   - MB Aviation Council Scholarship - must be submitted no later than 31-Jan (refer to the application form for          where to send them to). 
   - Cadet Medal Applications - must be in no later than 14-Feb (to the office)

Cadets should not arrive prior to 1800 hrs as the doors to the building may not be unlocked and there may not be Officers present to take responsibility of your child.
Cadets are to be picked up no later than 2130 hrsParents are asked to come inside at 2100 hrs to hear any announcements that are given at the end of the evening.
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