Apologies if you have received this previously, however it was noted that many email addresses were missing or had changed. Re-sending to ensure everyone receives this information.
It is important that these forms be returned so we can verify that your contact information is correct. Once in-person activities start if this form is not returned the cadet
will not be able to participate in the activity, this would include Friday night parades, drill team, band, marksmanship, ground school, gliding, etc.
If you can’t print off the form, at this time we will accept an email stating “no change” or “make the following changes” and state them. In the email please state on the
subject line - Annual Verification and the cadet’s name.
Medical forms were sent with some Annual Verifications. The Annual Verification comes back to the office, but the medical forms are to be sent directly to the following address.
PO Box 17000 Stn Forces
Winnipeg MB R3J 3Y5
It is mandatory that the cadet have their own email address as we are migrating to Cadet365. The address can’t be the same as the parent's. In the subject line put - Cadet Email and cadet’s name.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office at: 177Air@cadets.gc.ca
Please allow 24 - 48 hours for a reply, as the Officers do have daytime occupations and do not always have access to cadet emails.
- Confirm names/addresses/phone #'s and emails and spellings are correct
- Ensure that there is a Cadet email address in Section 1 (this is a must moving forward)
- Ensure that Section 5 has a "Yes' or 'No' check-marked for the question
- Parent Name and Signature
Completed forms are to be emailed to: 177Air@cadets.gc.ca
** Please inform the office as well, if you are not planning on returning to the Squadron. ***
As we announced during last week’s training, unfortunately, we cannot meet in person at Minto Armoury yet. Therefore, we are going to start a ‘hybrid model’ of training this year.
What does this mean? It means that we have secured a smaller space to use on Friday evenings for training, however, this means that we can only have a small number of cadets each night.
What we are planning on doing, is rotating the levels through an in-person training night and virtual training night.
What does that look like? Every week, one level will be assigned to have an in-person training night at the location provided, while the other levels will have a virtual training night. We will rotate through so that approximately once per month, each level will have an in-person training night.
This means that Cadets will need to make sure they are aware if they are having an in-person night or a virtual night. If your level is having an in-person night, we will not be running a virtual night for that class.
Keep an eye out for the schedule coming soon. DO NOT COME TO MINTO ARMOURY!
Before we are allowed to meet in Minto in person, one of the requirements is that all Cadets must complete the COVID-19 Course (online) and provide their certificate. As announced during last week’s training night, we have received several emails regarding issues accessing the course. Therefore, ALL CADETS are required to attend this week’s training night and this course will be conducted via MS Teams.
Link to training room: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWI2MWEyZGQtZWJiZC00MDNkLTgyMjktYmJmZGY2MjQ3ZDM1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22678bc474-678f-4dd6-a13c-27b9ee9e4765%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2287cabb55-6900-431e-8c0a-33ba3048572a%22%7d
We will be holding a class with you after the COVID-19 course. Please ensure you are in attendance so that you can receive your training schedule and a tutorial on MS Teams.
This Level 5 workshop is held for all Level 5 Cadets in the Cadet Program (Army, Sea & Air). In order to pass Level 5, you must attend this mandatory workshop at least once, while you are at this level. This workshop is being held virtually, and you must be registered.
Please inform Lt G Chennells no later than October 29th, so that you can be registered.
Supply is almost ready to start exchanging and issuing uniform parts!
A link will be sent out soon asking for your measures and current uniform sizes (if applicable)
In the meantime, please do the following to ensure that assisting in making the exchange or issuing of uniforms easier:
1. Gather all your uniform parts and keep them in the same place
2. Try it on so you know which pieces do not fit
3. Freshen them up by giving them all good wash and polish your boots/ blacken your welts
4. Separate pieces that do not fit. Write on a Piece of paper:
a. Your Last Name, First Name
b. Which parts do you need replaced and their sizes,
ex. Bloggins, Avery
Light blue shirt male 13 or female 10M
Boots 220/98
Tunic 6432
Pants 6732
Wedge 7 1/2
5. Place in a bag with the paper from above and insert it on top of the items in the bag or stapled on the outside. If boots do not fit they can be given separately
**Please do not return socks and dark blue cotton T-shirt** If you need these replaced just indicate your previous sizes on the paper and your new size required
Uniforms being returned need to be washed and boots polished.
Failure to do so will put your exchange at the back of the line and/or will be returned to you
Check your email regularly for more updates!