Weekly Announcements – 05 Dec 2021


177 RCACS Winnipeg


30 NOV 2021

** The Training Schedule has been updated ** and can be found here**UPDATED**_Training Schedule_10 Dec 2021
We updated the schedule so that we can bring 2 Levels in at one time.
DEC 10: ALL LEVEL 1s AND LEVEL 2s are in-person 

Location: 870 Portage Ave (Commissionaires Building)

Classes begin at 7:00 pm sharp! Doors open at 6:30pm.
Please make sure you start arriving earlier so that you can go through the Covid-19 screening process and take attendance.

In-person Checklist: 

  • Mask 
  • Writing equipment/paper/notebook 
  • Water bottle/drink & snacks (no canteen) 

LEVEL 5s:  Instructors: please arrive at 1830 hrs to have time to set up/log in. 

We will be holding a Virtual Holiday Event for the Squadron on 17-Dec-2021.  
We are in the process if finalizing the details, but we will have several activities for Cadets to choose from.

Links to various rooms will be sent out next week!  Stay tuned! 

The Training Schedule for Jan 2022 has been posted in TEAMS under General>Files>Training Schedules
Please review as we still have many classes that need Instructors to sign up!

As Capt Ducharme mentioned during the Dec 3rd in-person class, WO Board will take place in Feb 2022.  We will provide further information and the steps required to apply for a WO2 or WO1 position.

If you have any questions, you can email us at: 177Air@cadets.gc.ca

A reminder that if you are unable to attend a class, you still must complete the Absence Request Form on the website.  In addition, excused absences still count against your attendance percentage.  In order to be promoted or pass your level at the end of the year, your attendance must be ≥
60%.  You may be required to conduct make-up classes or additional training if you do not meet this requirement. 

In order t get your uniform or uniform parts, please fill out the following form:

Level 1 and 2's if you wish to receive uniform parts this Friday please ensure that you are filling out the google form prior to Friday

Return Cadets that need to exchange please prepare the following in addition to the form above:

1. Freshen them up by giving them all good wash and polish your boots/ blacken your welts
2. Separate pieces that do not fit.
Write on a Piece of paper:

      a. Your Last Name, First Name

      b. Which parts do you need to be replaced and their sizes,
                 ex.  Bloggins, Avery
                 Light blue shirt male 13 or female 10M
                 Boots 220/98 
                 Tunic 6432
                 Pants 6732
                 Wedge 7 1/2
                 ***if exchanging rank slips please indicate on the bag and place old one in the bag and new rank required***

3. Place in a bag with the paper from above and insert it on top of the items in the bag or stapled on the outside. If boots do not fit they can be given separately

**Please do not return socks and dark blue cotton T-shirt** If you need these replaced just indicate your previous sizes on the paper and your new size required

Uniforms being returned need to be washed and boots polished.
Failure to do so will put your exchange at the back of the line and/or will be returned to you

Failure to complete the google form will result in the new uniform pieces being returned to you at my convenience. As levels come in on different weeks I will not be able to give you your uniform back on the same night if I do not know your new measurements. Same night exchange is not guaranteed but If sizes are in stock I will try. Please do not leave before checking if I was able to exchange your uniform.

Capt Ocran

National Post-Secondary Scholarships

Cadets can now apply for the 2022 National Post-Secondary Scholarships!
NEW: These scholarships are also available to former cadets who will be in their first year of post-secondary education and will have turned 19 between April 2, 2021 and April 1, 2022.
We are innovating!  The application will be completed directly on our website.

Please visit the following on our website National Education Scholarships - Air Cadet League of Canada to find the link for ACC64.

Did you know we have 3 ways of getting information?

Website:   www.177rcacs.ca

177 RCACS - Cadet & Parent Page; https://www.facebook.com/groups/295561923844191/members
You will need to respond to 3 questions before being admitted as it is a closed group.

Instagram: 177rcacs 

177 RCACS Facebook Group
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