This is just a reminder that ALL Level 5 Cadets should be attending the In-Person class tomorrow evening (Oct 22).
Location: Commissionnaires Building 870 Portage Av Dress: Uniform or Appropriate Civilian Attire
You may start arriving at 1830 hrs.
Seniors that are scheduled to instruct will have access to the WIFI, a device (if you do not have one) and a classroom to teach from. When not instructing, you are to be attending the Level 5 classes. There will not be a virtual component for Level 5s this week.
Please ensure that you are uploading your Lesson Plan & Lesson into the MS Teams channel for the level your are teaching. Level Officers will be checking to confirm and this will be part of your assessment this year.
Pen/Note Book
Water bottle/Snacks (there is no canteen
Duty NCOs:
FSgt Everette
FSgt Del Rosario
Sgt Thompson