Scholarships and Awards


177 RCACS Winnipeg

Scholarships and Awards

Hubbel Award

The 2022 Hubbell Award application form is now available. The submission deadline is May 1, 2022


The Hubbell Awards Incorporated is a proud Manitoba charity whose mission is to provide awards to Sea, Army and Air Cadets currently enrolled in a Manitoba unit who will continue their education at a technical institute, college or university.


The program currently provides twelve $1,100.00 awards. The distribution of the awards is based upon the number of youth enrolled in each element and the number who qualify for post-secondary education.


Notes for Completing the Application

  1. The application applies to all Manitoba Cadets who plan to continue their education at a post-secondary institution in 2022.
  2. To access the 2022 application form click, here for standard PDF or here for fillable PDF.
  3. Commanding Officers have been provided with a copy of the form. 
  4. Applications shall be typewritten in the font Times New Roman, size 12.
  5. Cadets should complete the application form as thoroughly as possible.
  6. Commanding Officers should review the application for thoroughness and accuracy with regard to the activities of the applicant and sign in the space provided
    (you will need to submit to Capt Ducharme your application with enough time for her to review it)

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