Level One Training


177 RCACS Winnipeg


11 OCT 2020
Dear New Cadets & Parents,

We are just following up to ensure that all new cadets that have enrolled in our program are aware that they should be attending their Level One lesson (s) on Friday evenings.  These are being held in a virtual classroom.

To date we have had two Friday lessons and some of you have not attended yet.   We want to ensure that your Cadet does not fall behind in the program.

In the Weekly Announcements,  there is a link for the classroom links: Training Schedule& Links_16-OCT-2020

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at 177Air@cadets.gc.ca or call 204-612-4697


Email: 177Air@cadets.gc.ca
Phone: 204-612-4697
Website: 177rcacs.ca
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Instagram: 177rcacs
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