Important: Senior Cadet Instructors


177 RCACS Winnipeg


02 NOV 2020
Good Day Senior Cadet Instructors,

As you have been made aware, we are moving away from WebEx and will begin using MS Teams starting next week for conducting our Friday night parades.

Discord has not been well used, and will be discontinued as the main form of communication.

This coming week, you will receive usernames and passwords to the Squadron's Office 365 portal.  In doing this, you will have access to many tools that you can use to create your lesson plans, such as PowerPoint and also apps such as Kahoot, within MS Teams.   

In MS Teams, there will be a Cadet Instructor room, where you will be able to communicate with the Level Officers and yourselves.  There will also be a 'Files' section, where you will upload your Lesson Plans and presentations, rather than emailing them to the Squadron.  That way all the information in located in one place, and can be shared with everyone.  Our intent is to have all our lessons plans in one place so that they can be utilized by everyone and become a repository for future training years. 

An Office 365/MS Teams training session will be planned for this week, so that you can be shown how to access the systems and navigate around.  We know that some of you may already be familiar with MS Teams due to school and other organizations you may be involved with, however, attendance is required so that we can inform you of all the information at one time.

The training will take place this Thursday at 1900 hrs. Please let the office know ASAP if you will not be able to attend. 

177 RCACS Training Staff


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