COVID-19 – Update on Cadet Program


177 RCACS Winnipeg

Special Announcement

13 Mar 2020 
COVID-19: Update to Cadet Program 
(posted as of 15:00 hrs)

As of this afternoon, we have received direction from the Chain of Command that they have CANCELLED ALL CADET ACTIVITIES, including local training, for three weeks effective immediately.

Prior to Friday, April 03, 2020, further direction will be provided, including the potential for this cancellation to be extended.

Chain of Command has been directed to adopt an aggressive posture to minimize personnel risk of exposure and to prevent the CAF and cadets from becoming a transmission vector. 
The safety and welfare of all who participate in our programs is always our top priority, as such we take very seriously our responsibility to protect cadets from any real or apparent health or safety concern.

Captain Robin Ducharme, CD
Commanding Officer, 177 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
National Defense / Government of Canada / Tel: 204-612-4697

Commandant, Escadron des Cadets de l'Air du Canada Royal 177
Défense nationale / Gouvernement du Canada / Tel: 204-612-4697
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