CAP Summer 2021 – Staff Cadet Opportunities


177 RCACS Winnipeg


02 Jun 2021
Cadet Activity Program (CAP) Summer 2021
Summer Employment Opportunities

What is the Cadet Activity Program?
The Cadet Activity Program, or CAP for short, is an area delivered program conducted during summer 2021 as permitted by local public health orders.
CAP provides a fun, challenging, and meaningful experience for cadets above and beyond what they would receive at the local corps/squadron level.

Cadets can look forward to activities such as elemental skills competitions, summer biathlon, geocaching, Amazing Race, hiking, marksmanship, orienteering, and much more! The activities offered will leverage unique local opportunities and instructors to provide cadets with a fun, engaging week.

Employment Opportunity as Staff Cadets
The Cadet Regional Headquarters (RCSU NW) is currently looking for Senior Cadets to employ over the summer for the dates listed below. 

Staff must reside within one hour of the location and there is no overnight component.
  • Winnipeg  (5 Jul – 13 Aug)
  • CAP will be conducted by Areas or Local Communities as either a four day or five day activity, between the hours of approximately 0800 and 1600 hrs daily;
  • Of course, the implementation of the CAP is dependent on the COVID situation and Public Health Measures will be adhered to at all times.
If you are interested in staffing:  

Please provide your dates of availability by emailing the Squadron ( no later than 08-Jun-2021.
We are closely monitoring PHMs for the City of Winnipeg and will adjust or cancel plans weekly, however plans will be in place should we find ourselves in a position to implement them. 

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