177 RCACS Winnipeg
09 Jun 2021
Are you interested in becoming an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME)?
The air cadet program has the perfect opportunity for you!
The Trail Maintenance Course (TMC) is a new training opportunity designed to give cadets that show a real interest in becoming a Transport Canada licensed AME, real world training that will be recognized by provincial apprenticeship organizations, other trade schools/colleges, as well as the aviation industry.
About the course
The program is accredited by Apprenticeship Manitoba under the title “Air Cadet – Aircraft Maintenance Training Program” Accreditation # AC-333. The Accreditation expiry date is April 6, 2023 and meets the Apprenticeship Manitoba Level 1 Aircraft Maintenance Journeyperson (AMJ) equivalency, including authorization to challenge the AMJ Level 1 exam at the end of the training. This training is also recognized as meeting the Transport Canada requirements for the AMJ Level 1 training (only).
This new course will be conducted over two training years during the summer periods of 2021 and 2022 and will be delivered to the same group of cadets over those two summers. Only 12 cadets from Winnipeg and the surrounding area will be selected for this course.
This means should you apply and be accepted, you are committing yourself for two summers of training. Should you change your mind after completing the training module for 2021 and not attend the training module for 2022, you have wasted the opportunity for another cadet to attend. You must take this into consideration.
The course will be conducted as a two module training program consisting of the following:
1. Module #1 (Approximately 5 weeks of training in summer 2021) is a combination of:
a. On-line live-streamed theory-based (at home); and
b. Practical in-person training at the Red River College (RRC) Stevenson Campus Winnipeg.
2. Module #2 (Approximately 5 weeks of training in summer 2022) is a combination of:
a. On-line live-streamed theory-based training (at home);
b. Practical in-person training at the RRC Stevenson Campus Winnipeg; and
c. Review of all modules followed by writing of the Apprenticeship Manitoba Aircraft Maintenance Journeyperson Level 1 qualifying exam, which determines the participant’s Apprenticeship accreditation.
Training shall take place Monday to Friday for a period of five consecutive weeks each summer as follows:
1. The classroom theoretical portion of the course will be delivered virtually on a platform determined by Red River College; and
2. The practical portion of the course will be delivered at the RRC Stevenson Campus Winnipeg in-house workshop facility. Cadets will be responsible for their own transportation to and from the facility.
The Department of National Defense (DND) will provide the cadets with the following:
1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to each cadet:
a. Safety Glasses
b. Safety Boots (Ankle Boots)
c. Work Gloves
d. Coveralls
2. 2 each approved Non-Medical Masks (NMM)
3. Lunch meal on days when scheduled for in-house training at the Stevenson Campus.
To be eligible to attend this course you MUST be 16 years old by July 5, 2021, and cannot turn 19 before August 31, 2022. Also, you must be in Level 4 or higher and MUST remain a member of the cadet program until August 31, 2022.
Selection Criteria
The selection criteria is based on:
1. Age;
2. Attendance;
3. Summer Courses you’ve attended;
4. Summer Staff Cadet Experience;
5. Fitness Assessment;
6. Number of years as a cadet;
7. Rank; and
8. Participation in Regionally Directed Activities such as marksmanship, biathlon, music, etc.
To apply
Send an email to 177air@cadets.gc.ca with the subject line “Application for the Trial Maintenance Course.” Also, explain how you meet each selection criteria point listed above and a short explanation as to why you would be the perfect candidate for the Commanding Officer to nominate you for this course NLT June 12, 2021.
Capt Robin Ducharme
Commanding Officer