Donations, Sponsorships and More

Donations, Sponsorships and More
177 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS) has been in existence since 1942. Our Parent Sponsoring Committee is a not for profit charitable group whose purpose is to provide an expanding program to youth in the community. Our Cadets range in age between 12 and 18 years old.
We hope that you will be able to take part in supporting our organization with a donation or sponsorship for one or more of the many exciting events that we are offering.
177 “Air Canada” RCACS, a unit of the Cadet Program, receives partial funding from the Government of Canada, through the Department of National Defense (DND). Our Parent Committee, in partnership with the Air Cadet League of Canada, must raise funds to support other costs such as training aids, equipment, outdoor activities, overnight camps, familiarization flying days for our cadets, and other expenses not funded by the DND.
Our Partnerships