Cadet Training
Summer and Optional Training Information
The Air Cadet program offers a number of challenging Optional and Summer Training programs for those cadets that have the drive to excel in a variety of fun, challenging and rewarding activities while learning valuable skills such as teamwork, physical fitness, music, leadership and citizenship. Check out the different options.
Optional Training
Cadet Event Permission Slip
Cadets wishing to participate in Cadet events, Mandatory or Optional, must fill out the appropriate Events form and submit it to the Administrating officer.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
See below for more information, and how to register for the Duke of Edinburgh Award Program.
How to Register
Weekly Optional Training Information
Click below to learn more about our weekly training options.
Cadet Supply Requests
Cadets in need of Cadet uniform or Cadet uniform replacement parts can email the Cadet Supply officer with their request and they will be contacted at the next regular parade meeting.